Slideshow: Please wait for my prompt before clicking "Next" at the bottom of each page.
View the recording for Episode Two below!
Step one-Open the slideshow that accompanies the webcast in a separate window (or on your tablet).
Step two- Push play on the video below, and watch it side by side with the slideshow.
To view the webcast, please click here! This will lead you to the Touching The Art Facebook page where you can view the webcast through Livestream.
(If you get a notification that says, "This page has insecure content," please click "Load Anyway.")
If you are having trouble viewing the webcast on the TTA FB page, please click here! This will lead you to the TTA page on the Livestream site
To access the chat, click on the red "Check in and chat" tab in Facebook (or, if you're on the Livestream site, click the Facebook tab in the chat section.)
Welcome to the Touching The Art Webcast! Episode Three: Monday, July 30th, 7pm PST (10pm EST) View the webcast here! Start the slideshow below!
Welcome to Touching The Art Webcast: Episode 2! View the webcast here! Start the slideshow below!
To view the webcast, please click here! This will lead you to the Touching The Art Facebook page where you can view the webcast through Livestream.
(If you get a notification that says, "This page has insecure content," please click "Load Anyway.")
If you are having trouble viewing the webcast on the TTA FB page, please click here! This will lead you to the TTA page on the Livestream site
To access the chat, click on the red "Check in and chat" tab in Facebook (or, if you're on the Livestream site, click the Facebook tab in the chat section.)
Slideshow: Please wait for my prompt before clicking "Next" at the bottom of each page.